Something is going on

  • The 2nd Summer School on Visual Computing 2016-04-13
  • 魅力七月,扬帆起航 山东大学第二届“可视计算”暑期学校 报!名!开!始!啦! 请访问
  • Two Papers to be Presented at SIGGRAPH 2016 2016-03-21
  • "Printed Perforated Lampshades for Continuous Projective Images" , which is accepted to Transactions on Graphics;has been invited to present on ACMSIGGRAPH 2016. In this paper, w...
  • IRC Internship Recruitment 2016-03-21
  • In order to meet the development needs, IRC is now recruiting interns.山东大学交叉研究中心成立于2013年9月,目前在城市计算与可视分析、计算新闻学、计算仿生学等领域...
  • IRC OpenHouse Successfully Held 2016-03-13
  • 3月10日,山东大学交叉研究中心在山东大学软件园校区科研楼举办了IRC Openhouse 开放日活动。
  • IRC OpenHouse 2016 Spring 2016-03-06
  • Our lab is hosting an openhouse event of 2016! 活动时间:3月10日(周四) 12:30 活动地点:科研楼一层大厅 在线报名(推荐): ...
  • Qingnan Fan Won the 2015 President's Scholarship 2015-12-31
  • Our second-year graduate student Qingnan Fan won the 2015 President's Scholarship of Shandong University.我中心二年级研究生樊庆楠获得山东大学2015年度校长奖学...
  • Students Attended the WRC 2015 2015-11-26
  • On Nov 25th, Hao Li, a graduate student in IRC, attended WRC 2015 in Beijing where the latest robotic products were on display.11月25日,...