Something is going on

  • Qingnan Fan Won the 2015 President's Scholarship 2015-12-31
  • Our second-year graduate student Qingnan Fan won the 2015 President's Scholarship of Shandong University.我中心二年级研究生樊庆楠获得山东大学2015年度校长奖学...
  • Students Attended the WRC 2015 2015-11-26
  • On Nov 25th, Hao Li, a graduate student in IRC, attended WRC 2015 in Beijing where the latest robotic products were on display.11月25日,...
  • The Workshop after SIGGRAPH Asia 2015-11-08
  • This weekend IRC organized an exciting workshop.Three students from Danny's group, Yangyan from Stanford Univ., Zhenhua from NTU present their recent work on the workshop.
  • IRCers Attended SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 2015-11-06
  • 2015年的图形学界的顶级国际会议之一的SIGGRAPH Asia于11月2日至5日在日本神户召开,会上,来自山东大学交叉研究中心的3篇论文被会议接收,中心成员在陈宝权教授的带领下,前往本次SIGGRAPH Asia的举办城市 – ...
  • Workshop on Visual Computing Successfully Held 2015-07-25
  • On July 25th, the workshop on Visual Computing was successfully held by Shandong University at Qingdao. Many guest speakers attended and gave a talk on their recent research work。
  • "Visual Computing" Summer School Successfully Held 2015-07-24
  • The summer school on "Visual Computing" is held from July 21th to 24th. The attendees include 104 undergraduate students, 126 graduate students, as well as more than 30 teachers from different univ...
  • IRC OpenHouse 2014 2014-09-11
  • 9月11日,山东大学交叉研究中心在山东大学软件园校区科研楼举办了中心第一次的IRC Openhou;开放日活动。