Seminar by Prof. Oliver Deussen

Title: Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing: more than just colorful images Date and Time: 14:00-15:00, Saturday, November 8, 2015 Venue: Room 146 Research Building

Speaker: Prof. Oliver Deussen
Date and Time: 14:00-15:00, Saturday, November 8, 2015.
Venue: Room 146 Research Building

Title: Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing: more than just colorful images
Visual computing combines successful fields such as computer graphics, visualization, image analysis and computer vision. Evaluation in some of these fields is still done qualitatively (good is what looks good). Since visual data and visualizations are used for many important decisions, instead quantitative evaluation is needed. In our recently started research initiative we plan to develop quantitative methods  for many aspects of visual computing. I will present examples and give a roadmap towards a quantitative culture for visual computing.

Prof. Deussen graduated at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and is professor at University of Konstanz (Germany) and visiting professor at the Chinese Academy of Science in Shenzhen. He serves as Co-Editor  in Chief of Computer Graphics Forum and is VicePresidentof Eurographics Association.His areas of interest are modeling and rendering of complex biological systems, nonphotorealistic  rendering as well as Information  Visualization.He also contributed papers to geometry processing, sampling methods,  and imagebased modelling.