Qiong Zeng

Associate Researcher
School of Computer Science and Technology
Shandong University
Email: qiong dot zn AT sdu.edu.cn

Dr. Qiong Zeng is currently an Associate Researcher (CV) in Interdisciplinary Research Center (IRC) at School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University.

Before that, she was a postdoctoral research fellow in Shandong University working with Prof. Baoquan Chen. Qiong received her Ph.D. degree on December 2015 from Shandong University, supervised by Prof. Changhe Tu, and completed her undergrate study at Nanchang University, with a Bachelor's degree in Digital Media Technology and a minor major degree in Public Relations. During those periods, she has visited and collaborated with leading researchers in Computer Graphics, including Prof. Daniel Cohen-Or, Prof. Dani Lischinski, Prof. Kangkang Yin, Prof. Ralph Martin and Prof. Yiorgos Chrysanthou.

Her research interests are Visualization and Computer Graphics.


Qiong Zeng, Yinqiao Wang, Jian Zhang, Wenting Zhang, Changhe Tu, Ivan Voila, , Yunhai Wang. Data-Driven Colormap Optimization for 2D Scalar Field Visualization. accepted by IEEE VIS Short Papers, 2019.

[pdf], [Project Page]

Wenting Zhang, Yinqiao Wang, Qiong Zeng, Yunhai Wang, Guoning Chen, Tao Niu, Changhe Tu, Yi Chen. Visual Analysis of Haze Evolution and Correlation in Beijing. Journal of Visualization (ChinaVis'18), 2019.


Qiong Zeng*, Wenzheng Chen*, Zhuo Han, Mingyi Shi, Yanir Kleiman, Daniel Cohen-Or, , Baoquan Chen, Yangyan Li. Group Optimization for Multi-attribute Visual Embedding. Visual Informatics, 2018 . ( * Joint first authors)

[pdf], [Project Page]

Andreas Aristidou, Qiong Zeng, Efstathios Stavrakis, Kangkang Yin, Daniel Cohen-Or, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Baoquan Chen. Emotion Control of Unstructured Dance Movements. ACM SIGGRAPH/ Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, SCA'17. Eurographics Association, 2017.

[pdf], [project page]

Qiong Zeng, Wenzheng Chen, Huan Wang, Changhe Tu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Dani Lischinski, Baoquan Chen. Hallucinating Stereoscopy from a Single Image. Computer Graphics Forum, 34(2), 2015 (Proc.Eurographics 2015).

[pdf], [project page]

Qiong Zeng, Ralph R. Martin, Lu Wang, Jonathan A. Quinn, Yuhong Sun, Changhe Tu. Region-based Bas-relief Generation from a Single Image. Graphical Models, 76(3), pp140-151, 2014.


Academic Dissertation

Perception Guided Layered Depth Recovery from Single Images (in Chinese). Ph.D. Thesis, 2015.


Similarity Embedding of Visual Data and Its applications in Scene Analysis, NSFC No. 61602273, 200,000 RMB.