Prof. Dr. Shiqing Xin(辛士庆) |
辛士庆于2009年6月取得浙江大学应用数学博士学位,此后在新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究。 2012年9月起在宁波大学信息学院工作,2014年12月被评为副教授。2017年调入山东大学计算机科学与技术学院, 成为预聘制副教授。辛博士围绕几何计算、几何建模、场景理解中的若干核心问题展开系统性的基础理论和应用研究, 取得了许多突破性的理论研究成果,解决了若干有重要应用价值的实际问题。共发表论文60篇,其中CCF-A类文章13篇, 含ACM TOG文章8篇,还有1项美国发明专利,3次获得最佳论文奖。研究工作被国际学者引用400余次。 辛博士提出的测地线算法以其在时间和空间上的明显优势,成为唯一被计算几何算法库CGAL使用的测地线算法。 辛博士是GMP2019/SMP2019等国际学术会议的委员会成员,也是ACM TOG、IEEE TVCG等期刊的审稿人。 目前研究领域:计算图形学、计算几何、机器人路径规划、医学图像处理、数值模拟与仿真 |
诚招:博士生1名,硕士名2名。 要求:编程功底扎实,数学基础良好,对研究有热情。有深度学习背景者优先。 |
Selected Publications (2019) |
Multi-Robot Collaborative Dense Scene Reconstruction[J]. Siyan Dong, Kai Xu, Qiang Zhou, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Shiqing Xin, Matthias Nießner, Baoquan Chen ACM Transactions on Graphics(TOG), 2019. (SCI, CCF_A类)
An accurate quadrature approach for Lipschitz continuous functions over arbitrary planar domains. Luming Cao, Shuangmin Chen, Jian Xu, Shiqing Xin, Yuanfeng Zhou, Ying He, Guozhu Liu, Changhe Tu ACDDE 2019.
Selected Publications (2018) |
Scribble based 3D shape segmentation via weakly-supervised learning[J]. Zhenyu Shu, Xiaoyong Shen, Shiqing Xin*, Jieqing Feng, Ladislav Kavan, Ligang Liu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Conditionally Accepted, 2018. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Tracing High-quality Isolines for Discrete Geodesic Distance Fields[J]. Wensong Wang, Zheng Fang, Shiqing Xin*, Ying He, Yuanfeng Zhou, Shuangmin Chen. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Conditionally Accepted, 2018. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
DSCarver: Decompose-and-Spiral-Carve for Subtractive Manufacturing[J]. Haisen Zhao, Hao Zhang ,Shiqing Xin, Yanmin Deng, Canghe Tu, Wengping Wang, Daniel Cohen-Or, Baoquan Chen ACM Transactions on Graphics(TOG), 37(4), Article No. 137, 2018. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Detecting 3D Points of Interest Using Multiple Features and Stacked Auto-encoder[J]. Zhenyu Shu,Shiqing Xin*, Xin Xu, Ligang Liu, and Ladislav Kavan. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2018. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Lightweight preprocessing and fast query of geodesic distance via proximity graph[J]. Shiqing Xin, Wenping Wang, Ying He, Yuanfeng Zhou, Shuangmin Chen, Changhe Tu, Zhenyu Shu. Computer-Aided Design, 102:128-138, 2018. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Decorating 3D models with Poisson vector graphics[J]. Qian Fu, Fei Hou, Qian Sun, Shi-Qing Xin, Yong-Jin Liu, Wencheng Wang, Hong Qin, Ying He. Computer-Aided Design, 102:1-11, 2018. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Fast and robust shape diameter function[J]. Shuangmin Chen, Taijun Liu, Zhenyu Shu, Shi-Qing Xin, Ying He, Changhe Tu. PLOS ONE, 13(1), 2018. (SCI) [pdf] [BibTex] |
FoldedGI: A Highly Parallel Algorithm for Collision Detection by Folding a Geometry Image into a 1D Buffer[J]. Shuangmin Chen, Taijun Liu, Bangquan Liu, Shi-Qing Xin*, Ying He, Changhe Tu. Graphical Models, 100: 26-32, 2018. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Caging Loops in Shape Embedding Space: Theory and Computation[C]. Jian Liu, Shiqing Xin, Zengfu Gao, Kai Xu, Changhe Tu, Baoquan Chen. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2018: 1-5.(CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Efficiently computing feature-aligned and high-quality polygonal offset surfaces[J]. Wenlong Meng, Zhenyu Shu, Shuangmin Chen, Shi-Qing Xin, Hongbo Fu, Changhe Tu. Computers & Graphics, 70:62-70, 2018. (SCI, CCF_C类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Towards globally optimal normal orientations for thin surfaces[J]. Minfeng Xu, Shiqing Xin, Changhe Tu. Computers and Graphics, 75: 36-43, 2018. (SCI, CCF_C类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
2D Skeleton Extraction Based on Heat Equation[J]. Fengyi Gao, Guangshun Wei, Shiqing Xin, Shanshan Gao, Yuanfeng Zhou. Computers and Graphics, 75: 36-43, 2018. (SCI, CCF_C类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Algebraic equation of geodesics on the 2D Euclidean space with an exponential density function[J]. Shuangmin Chen, Guozhu Liu, Shiqing Xin, Yuanfeng Zhou, Ying He and Changhe Tu. Communications in Information and Systems, 18(2), 89-104, 2018. (SCI) [pdf] [BibTex] |
An approximate method for circle packing and disc covering[J]. Shuangmin Chen, Debbie Leung, Shiqing Xin*, Ying He, Yuanfeng Zhou, and Changhe Tu. Communications in Information and Systems, 18(2), 89-104, 2018. (SCI) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Selected Publications (2016-2017) |
Fabricable tile decors[J]. Weikai Chen, Yuexin Ma, Sylvain Lefebvre, Shiqing Xin, Jonàs Martínez and Wenping Wang. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 36(6), Article No. 175, 2017. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Discrete geodesic graph (DGG) for computing geodesic distances on polyhedral surfaces[J]. Xiaoning Wanga, ZhengFang, Jiajun Wu, Shi-Qing Xin, YingHe. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 52-53:262-284, 2017. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
An Optimization-Driven Approach for Computing Geodesic Paths on Triangle Meshes[J]. Bangquan Liu, Shuangmin Chen, ShiQing Xin, Ying He, Zhen Liu. Computer-Aided Design, 90:105-112, 2017. (SCI, CCF_B类, SPM2017最佳论文奖第一名) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Fast algorithm for 2D fragment assembly based on partial EMD[J]. Meng Zhang, Shuangmin Chen, Zhenyu Shu, Shi-Qing Xin, Jieyu Zhao, Guang Jin, Rong Zhang, Jürgen Beyerer. The Visual Computer, 33(12):1601-1602, 2017. (SCI, CCF_C类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Centroidal power diagrams with capacity constraints: computation, applications, and extension[J]. Shi-Qing Xin, Bruno Lévy, Zhonggui Chen, Lei Chu, Yaohui Yu, Changhe Tu, Wenping Wang. ACM Transactions on Graphics(TOG), 35(6):1-12, 2016. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Intrinsic Girth Function for Shape Processing[J]. Shi-Qing Xin, Wenping Wang, Shuangmin Chen, Jieyu Zhao, Zhenyu Shu. ACM Transactions on Graphics(TOG), 35(3), Article No. 25, 2016. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Synthesis of filigrees for digital fabrication[J]. Weikai Chen, Xiaolong Zhang, Shiqing Xin, Yang Xia, Sylvain Lefebvre, Wenping Wang. ACM Transactions on Graphics(TOG), 35(4), Article No. 98, 2016. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Unsupervised 3D shape segmentation and co-segmentation via deep learning[J]. Zhenyu Shu, Chengwu Qi, Shiqing Xin*, Chao Hu, Li Wang, Yu Zhang, LigangLiu. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 43(C):39-52, 2016. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
3D model classification via Principal Thickness Images[J]. Zhenyu Shu, Shiqing Xin*, Huixia Xu, Ladislav Kavan, Pengfei Wang, LigangLiu. Computer-Aided Design, 78:199-208, 2016. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Autonomous deployment of wireless sensor networks for optimal coverage with directional sensing model [J]. Feng Li, Jun Luo, Shiqing Xin, Ying He. Computer Networks, 108(10):120-132, 2016. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Selected Publications (2014-2015) |
Intrinsic computation of centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT) on meshes [J]. Xiaoning Wang, Xiang Ying, Yongjin Liu, Shiqing Xin, Wenping Wang, Xianfeng Gu, Mueller-Wittig Wolfgang, Ying He. Computer-Aided Design, 58(C):51-61, 2015. (SCI, CCF_B类, 最佳论文奖!) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Facial Structure Analysis Separates Autism Spectrum Disorders into Meaningful Clinical Subgroups[J]. Obafemi-Ajayi Tayo, Miles Judith H, Takahashi T Nicole, Qi Wenchuan, Aldridge Kristina, Minqi Zhang, Shiqing Xin, Ying He, Ye Duan. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 2015, 45(5):1302. (SCI, IF=3.321) [pdf] [BibTex] |
LBDP: Localized Boundary Detection and Parametrization for 3-D Sensor Networks[J]. Feng Li, Chi Zhang, Jun Luo, Shi-Qing Xin, Ying He. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 22(2):567-579, 2014. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Measuring length and girth of a tubular shape by quasi-helixes[J]. Shi-Qing Xin, Shuangmin Chen, Jieyu Zhao, Zhigeng Pan. Computers & Graphics, 38(1):392–398, 2014. (SCI, CCF_C类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Automatic registration of vestibular systems with exact landmark correspondence[J]. Shi-Qing Xin, Shuangmin Chen, Jieyu Zhao, Zhigeng Pan. Computers & Graphics, 38(1):392–398, 2014. (SCI, CCF_C类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Selected Publications (2012-2013) |
Parallel Chen-Han (PCH) algorithm for discrete geodesics[J]. Xiang Ying, Shi-Qing Xin, Ying He. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33(1):1-11, 2013. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
An intrinsic algorithm for parallel Poisson disk sampling on arbitrary surfaces[J]. Xiang Ying, Shi-Qing Xin, Qian Sun, Ying He. IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics(TVCG), 19(9):1425-1437, 2013. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Interactive Applications for Sketch-Based Editable Polycube Map[J]. Ismael Garcia, Jiazhi Xia, Ying He, Shi-Qing Xin, Gustavo Patow. IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 19(7):1158-71, 2013. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Parallel computing 2D Voronoi diagrams using untransformed sweepcircles[J]. Shi-Qing Xin, Xiaoning Wang, Jiazhi Xia, Wolfgang Mueller-Wittig, Guo-Jin Wang, YingHe. Computer-Aided Design, 45(2):483–493, 2013. (SCI, CCF_B类, SPM2012最佳论文提名奖) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Texture brush: an interactive surface texturing interface[C]. Qian Sun, Long Zhang, Minqi Zhang, Xiang Ying, Shi-Qing Xin, Jiazhi Xia, Ying He. ACM I3D. 2013:153-160. (CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Global Colon Geometric Structure Analysis Based on Geodesics and Conformal Flattening[M]. Hao Peng, Rui Shi, Shiqing Xin, Xianfeng Gu. Abdominal Imaging: Computation and Clinical Applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013:107-116. [pdf] [BibTex] |
Constant-time all-pairs geodesic distance query on triangle meshes[C]. Shiqing Xin,Ying Xiang, He Ying Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games. ACM, 2012:31-38. (CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
An intrinsic algorithm for computing geodesic distance fields on triangle meshes with holes[J] Quynh Dao TP , He Ying , Shiqing Xin, Chen Zhonggui Graphical Models, 2012, 74(4):209–220. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
LAACAD: Load Balancing k-Area Coverage through Autonomous Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks[C] Feng Li , Jun Luo , Shiqing Xin, WenPing Wang,Ying He. IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. IEEE, 2012:566-575. (CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Selected Publications (2011及以前) |
Making burr puzzles from 3D models[J]. Shiqing Xin, ChiFu Lai,ChiWing Fu, Tien-Tsin Wong, Ying He,Daniel Cohen-Or ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2011, 30(4):97. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Efficiently Computing Exact Geodesic Loops within Finite Steps[J]. Shi-Qing Xin , Ying He , Chi-Wing Fu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2011, 18(6):879-889. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Euclidean geodesic loops on high-genus surfaces applied to the morphometry of vestibular systems.[C] Shiqing Xin, He Ying, Fu Chi-Wing ,Wang Defeng , Lin Shi, Chu Winnie CW,Cheng Jack CY, Gu Xianfeng, Lui Lok Ming. International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer-Assisted Intervention. Springer-Verlag, 2011:384-92. (医学图像的计算与分析领域最高级别会议) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Isotropic Mesh Simplification by Evolving the Geodesic Delaunay Triangulation[C] Shiqing Xin, He, Ying ,Fu Chi-Wing , Wang Defeng , Lin Shi, Chu Winnie CW . Eighth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering. IEEE Computer Society, 2011:39-47. [pdf] [BibTex] |
UNFOLD: Uniform fast on-line boundary detection for dynamic 3D wireless sensor networks[C] Li Feng , Luo Jun , Zhang Chi ,Shiqing Xin ,He Ying. Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing. ACM, 2011: 14. (CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Applying the improved Chen and Han's algorithm to different versions of shortest path problems on a polyhedral surface[J]. Shiqing Xin, Wang Guo-Jin. Computer-Aided Design, 2010, 42(10):942-951. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
Improving Chen and Han's algorithm on the discrete geodesic problem[J]. Shiqing Xin, Wang Guo-Jin. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2009, 28(4):104. (SCI, CCF_A类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
New method in information processing for maintaining an efficient dynamic ordered set[J]. Shiqing Xin, Wang Guo-Jin. Science China Information Sciences, 2009, 52(8):1292-1301. (SCI, CCF_B类) [pdf] [BibTex] |
本科生课程:《数据结构》《计算机图形学》《机器学习》《人工智能导论》 研究生课程:《高级计算机图形学》《机器学习》 |
研究生 |
姓名: 宗辰 年级: 2019级博士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何计算、场景理解 座右铭: “Life is an art.” |
姓名: 唐建波 年级: 2019年博士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 有限元仿真 座右铭: 学而思不足。 |
姓名: 赵俊浩 年级: 2018级硕士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何计算、数值模拟 座右铭: Living, Loving, Writing |
姓名: 程景亮 年级: 2018级硕士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 骨架提取 座右铭: 知行合一。 |
姓名: 宫宁远 年级: 2018级硕士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 骨架提取 座右铭: Hakunamatata! |
姓名: 曹路明 年级: 2018级硕士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 计算几何 座右铭: 不以物喜不以己悲 |
姓名: 王培辉 年级: 2018级硕士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何建模 座右铭: 努力不过是人生的起跑线,生而为人,谁不付出,谁不努力。 |
姓名: 王伟霖 年级: 2018级硕士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何建模 座右铭: 玉不琢,不成器,人不学,不知义 |
姓名: 徐振元 年级: 2018级硕士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 计算几何 座右铭: 欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。 |
姓名: 袁娜 年级: 2019级硕士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何计算,几何处理 座右铭: 用尽全力,不给自己的人生留下遗憾! |
姓名: 张政 年级: 2019级硕士生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 三维视觉 座右铭: 行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。 |
本科生 |
姓名: 窦志扬 年级: 2016级本科生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何计算、几何处理、几何建模、骨架提取 座右铭: Stay hungry, stay foolish! |
姓名: 王文嵩 年级: 2016级本科生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何计算 座右铭: 穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。 |
姓名: 刘安 年级: 2016级本科生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 三维建模,交互设计 座右铭: write the code,change the world |
姓名: 徐瑞 年级: 2017级本科生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何处理 座右铭: 自己选择的路,跪着也要走完。 |
姓名: 宋建涛 年级: 2017级本科生 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何建模 座右铭: 山不辞土,故能成其高;海不辞水,故能成其深! |
已毕业学生 |
姓名: 陈能仑 毕业去向: 香港大学读博 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何计算,几何建模 座右铭: 会当凌绝顶一览众山小 |
姓名: 刘超 毕业去向: 恒生电子 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 数值模拟 座右铭: 往往是多看了一眼,多走了一步,多想了一层,生活给了你渴望的。 |
姓名: 刘嘉玮 毕业去向: 苏州蜗牛数字科技股份有限公司 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何建模,三维视觉 座右铭: 越努力越幸运 |
姓名: 孟文龙 毕业去向: 山东大学博士在读 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何处理, 几何建模 座右铭: 谦卑谦卑再谦卑 努力努力再努力 |
姓名: 张猛 毕业去向: 盛大游戏 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 三维视觉 座右铭: 勤奋、专注 |
姓名: 王枭 毕业去向: 太平洋保险宁波分公司 邮箱: 研究兴趣: 几何计算 ,几何处理 座右铭: 为美好生活奋斗 |