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Haisen Zhao

Ph.D Student
Computer Science and Engineering School
Shandong University
Phone: +86 15866692068
Email: haisenzhao AT

I am a Ph.D student (CV) of IRC, Shandong University, supervised by Prof. Baoquan Chen. My research interests are Computer Graphics, Intelligent Manufacture. My Ph.D study started since 2014.09. Currently, I am in my last year of PhD study. I received Master's and Bachelor's degree in School of Computer Science and Technology and School of Software at Shandong University in 2014 and 2011, respectively.

My email address is haisenzhao at gmail dot com. Welcome to communicate with me!


Deformation streaming
Haisen Zhao, Hao Zhang, Shiqing Xin, Yuanmin Deng, Changhe Tu, Wenping Wang, Daniel Cohen-Or, Baoquan Chen, DSCarver: Decompose-and-Spiral-Carve for Subtractive Manufacturing, Conditionly accepted to ACM SIGGRAPH 2018.

[Project page] [Paper]

Deformation streaming
Haisen Zhao, Fanglin Gu, Qixing Huang, J. A. Garcia Galicia, Yong Chen, Changhe Tu, Bedrich Benes, Hao Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or, Baoquan Chen, Connected Fermat Spirals for Layered Fabrication, Conditionly accepted to ACM SIGGRAPH 2016.

[Project page] [Paper]

Deformation streaming
Haisen Zhao, Lin Lu, Yuan Wei, Dani Lischinski, Andrei Sharf, Daniel Cohen-Or, Baoquan Chen, Printed Perforated Lampshades for Continuous Projective Images, ACM Transactions on Graphics 2016.

[Project page] [Paper]

Deformation streaming
Haisen Zhao, Lin Lu, Zhitao Bo, Variational Circular Treemaps for Hierarchical Data, Journal of Software (Proceedings of PacificVis 2015).(in Chinese)


Deformation streaming
Lin Lu, Andrei Sharf, Haisen Zhao, Yuan Wei, Qingnan Fan, Xuelin Chen, Yann Savoye, Changhe Tu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Baoquan Chen, Build-to-Last: Strength to Weight 3D Printed Objects, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2014).

[Project Page]

Deformation streaming
Haisen Zhao, Chenglei Yang, Lin Lu, Xiaoting Wang, Yijun Yang, Xiangxu Meng, An algorithm for visibility computation of points based on Voronoi diagrams, Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics (Proceedings of CAD/CG 2012), Best Student Paper.(in Chinese)


Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, No.72, Binhai Road, Qingdao.